How does one bring calmness in chaos?

Samu Kumar

“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their own humanity” ~ Nelson Mandela

Today’s society is plagued by poverty, paucity of peace, scarcity of sanity, famine of faith yet inundated with information tsunami.

It is difficult to ignore the gnawing daily battles facing majority of world as it is gut wrenching, distressing & tormenting to throw a deaf ear, being oblivious to all the unimaginable ordeals dealt across the globe so fundamental to basic human rights.

Given such a discordant divisive drama influencing our day lives, be it the kids, youth, adults or seniors, we all are a vulnerable population in this modern era of multitasking, multifaceted, malfunctioning model of outer world.

How does one make a difference, create serenity in daily life accessing resources to the the necessitated population including the underprivileged?

How does one bring calmness in chaos?

One can attend the discourse provided by Acharya Vivekji if you are so privileged or one can attend Chinmaya mission regularly, an immense wealth of spiritual resource to delve into seeking that calmness.

Mission abodes wealth of Hindu scriptures & doctrines of various formats made suitable to novices of all stages of comprehension unraveled by a tight knit group of intellectual, selfless, service oriented, passionate patrons. Blessed also to have visiting spiritual leaders, Swamijis & Acharyas whose personal preaching is easier to decipher. At the same time made accessible are inspirational activities lending hands in joining to give back to the community, local & global.

Spirituality & spiritual education lets one focus on self, looking inwards rather that outside for solutions, unfold to unveil the divine within by unlearning the ego fortress built over years. It creates & reminds awareness of bigger than life true nature of self.

Sincere appreciation to Chinmaya organization, particularly Chinmaya  Haridhwar of Portland to have opened doors for many new families alike to benefit the rich wisdom to lead a path of virtuous living.

Ever so significant for us & to our youth, the future of this world is to inculcate these values to make them resilient with integrity, build bridges amongst communities, countries to uplift themselves & the downtrodden around as they proceed to excel in every stage of life.

Paradigm shift is an uphill endeavor, a paramount task to undertake to infuse spirituality which is a huge void in today’s academic curriculum.

“Until someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It is not” ~ Dr. Seuss.

Hari Om,