About Chinmaya Haridwar


Chinmaya Mission has developed a range of activities, events, and programs to cater to people of all age groups from various walks of life. Weekly classes strengthen the grassroots activities of the Mission for its members’ benefit, while lectures and camps by spiritual teachers reach a broader audience.

Activities that the Chinmaya Mission Portland (CMP) community engages in collectively include:

Community Service: We actively participate in various social service activities such as medical camps for senior citizens, food drives for the needy, neighborhood cleanups, nature conservation projects, homeless shelter cooking and serving, winter coat drives, free English and Math tutoring for ESL students, and fundraising walkathons throughout the year. Most of these activities are undertaken with volunteer partners. Some organizations that have collaborated with us on community service projects include the Beaverton City Council, Transition Projects, the Oregon Food Bank, and CORD USA. Our volunteering efforts are directed both locally and globally, aiming to assist those in need at home and abroad.

Study Groups: A unique feature of Chinmaya Mission, Study Groups follow a prescribed curriculum to foster collective discussion on specific topics. Please visit our website for the list of study groups conducted by CMP in the Portland area. We also offer weekly Yoga classes based on classical Hatha Yoga for our members.

Scriptural Knowledge Sessions: Throughout the year, we invite spiritual teachers from other Chinmaya Mission centers to conduct Jnana Yagnas (lectures) on various texts for adults.

Classes for Children and Youth: Balavihar (Bala means child in Sanskrit, and Vihar means a place of love and joy) provides a supportive environment where children learn about Indian cultural and spiritual traditions. As children grow older, they graduate to the Yuva Kendra (Youth Center), where classes become more discussion-oriented, encouraging youth to explore questions of spirituality and culture. Additionally, we offer classes on Indian languages and Vedic chanting for those interested.

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Our summer coaching camps coordinated and lead by our Bala Vihar students cover diverse areas such as speech & debate, crochet, sewing, rocketry, acting, cooking, candle & soap making, carpentry, Lego robotics, and STEM.

From its inception, CMP has been an entirely volunteer-run organization, with dedicated Sevaks (volunteers) putting their heart and soul into ensuring its smooth operation.

Chinmaya Mission Portland also has a bookstore that carries a collection of spiritual materials in book, audio CD, and DVD formats. The store is open on Sundays immediately after classes.

Every Sunday, we offer a variety of regional cuisine at our completely volunteer-run “Shadras Cafe.” Our members enthusiastically bring the best of their regional delicacies to serve the community.