
Bala Vihar meets during Academic year (Sept-June) at 9:20AM on Sundays. Please Read and Agree to our Terms & Conditions:
  • Every NEW family must fill out the form completely, no exceptions. This is an acknowledgment and agreement to abide by the rules of Chinmaya Mission Portland for the safety of all our participants and the smooth functioning of our center in line with our goals as defined.
  • We are a hands-on volunteering organization. As part of our annual sponsorship, we ask that you commit to 30 hours of volunteer time during the academic year. You can choose the area that best suits your skills and interests, and we will follow up with you to coordinate
  • Minimum suggested donation per family is $700 with an additional $100 for Hindi program. We are an all-volunteer organization and 100% of this goes towards maintaining the facility.
  • Choir (Chinmaya Swaranjali) participation, Yoga classes, Bala Vihar classes, Study Groups, Vedic chanting classes as well as our volunteering opportunities are all part of our program.
  • The trial option is open only for NEW participants who want to try out the program and ends on September 30th of each Academic Year, and it is not applicable if you have done trial options in the past.
  • The use of the Chinmaya Haridwar facility is predicated on maintaining the safety and well-being of all of our participants and all are expected to follow the instructions given to them.
  • Returning families, please do not fill up the form again, just send in the sponsorship donation, if there are any changes (like address, email, the addition of a family member, etc), please send us an email regarding that along with your donation information, and we will update your record.

Sponsorship Type
Volunteering Areas:

Family First Name Last Name Email Address Mobile Phone
Prim. Contact
Sec. Contact
Prim. Contact’s Company
Sec. Contact’s Company
Home Phone

Student’s Information

First Name Last Name Date of Birth
Grade At School Email Address After BV Class

Donation Type

Facility Use

  1. Parents and students are expected to dress modestly while coming to Chinmaya Haridwar. (No hoods or hats other than what is part of traditional wear)
  2. Sign up to volunteer in the areas you can, we are an all-volunteer organization. Supervise your children and do not allow them to run inside the facility
  3. Do not open any exit doors other than the lobby door, enter or exit only through the lobby. The other doors are for emergency exit.
  4. Bala Vihar class attendance is mandatory for participating in language or Swaranjali or chanting classes.
  5. No solicitation or distribution of ANY materials allowed on Haridwar premises at any time.
  6. Non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and tobacco are NOT allowed anywhere on the property at any time.
  7. No shoes or food/drink inside the auditorium at any time. Shoes must be taken off only on the shoe rack specifically provided for this purpose, not anywhere else.
  8. For those parents who are NOT participating in the adult study group, you can either sit in the back of the auditorium till the Bala Vihar class is over or leave the facility and come back at 10:45 AM to pickup.
  9. Please do not sit in any classrooms or on the stairs as it distracts the children. If you are going to leave the facility during our service hours, you must ensure you have one adult who knows that you are leaving and will be responsible for your children in case of an emergency.
  10. Chinmaya Mission Bala Vihar encourages safety practices for children, both on and off Mission grounds.

Please initial that you have read the notes regarding the Facility Use numbers 1 through 10 above and agree to comply with it.

Waiver and Release

In consideration of my family’s participation in the above program, I hereby, for myself and my family, waive and release Chinmaya Mission and its officers, trustees, volunteers, and participants, and all other persons participating in the program, or involved in planning or execution of the program, from all liability or claims arising from any injury to myself, my family or my property.  This release shall include, without limitation, all claims for negligence, and shall exclude only claims for willful injury, which exclusion for willful shall extend only to the person committing willful injury and not to any other person.  I assert that my family’s participation in Chinmaya Mission activities is voluntary and that I knowingly assume all risks associated, whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time. I hereby give permission for my family to have their picture/video taken while participating in activities associated with Chinmaya Mission. Said pictures/videos become the sole property of Chinmaya Mission and will be used only for recruiting/information-sharing purposes.

Signature (type your name here):