Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda wrote…
A mischievous smile plays on Lord Krishna’s face, as He encounters the ups and downs of life. In complete command of every situation, He plays His flute, His most favored companion, with abandon.
– Swami Chinmayananda

Shri Krishna – the very name sends a thrill of joy through one who has had even a passing glimpse of His greatness. The name at once evokes memories of the divinely sweet child of Vrindavan, the blue boy clothed in pitambhara (golden yellow silks), crowned with peacock feathers and adorned with a garland of fresh flowers, the maddening beauty and love of Gopis, the stealer of hearts, the dispeller of sins, upholder of righteousness, protector of the humble and simple, and an ever-abiding friend to all those who sincerely seeks His companionship.
Even the playing of the flute by the Lord was so enchanting and divine that all the humans, animals, and the birds used to flock around Him and stand still in self-forgetfulness. The music was so sweet that even the rocks would melt in its melody. The maidens of Vrindavan, Gopis, could not just endure its magic. They would swoon at the notes of the flute. Their hearts were filled with Krishna and they worshiped Him, at all times.
To develop a love for a person whom one adores is quite natural. But to have this natural love transformed into means of liberation is extremely rare. In the case of Gopis both these things happened, because the person whom they adored and loved happened to be Krishna, the very incarnation of Supreme Power.
Wise and valorous, He was loving and loved; a far-seeing statesman and wise diplomat; an indomitable warrior who could rise to any occasion; a great adviser to those who sought His counsel. He held aloft the torch of righteousness above all petty and personal considerations and took the reins in His hands to drive the Chariot of Dharma, through the deadly combat of confusing values and delirious delusions to everlasting victory. The teachings of Gita in the war-front and the preaching to Uddava in the palace, reveal His exalted state as a World Teacher.
No other Master had burst upon the earth, at any period of time, with so much of Divine Glory expressed at once at all levels, as Shri Krishna demonstrated in His illustrious life. He lived a gracious life of joyous ease and spectacular daring. And in all His activities there was a touch of grace, a shine of perfection, a liberal dose of personal dynamism. Be He in politics or among the cowherd boys and girls, be in Vrindavan or Dwarka or Hastinapur, in the palace or war-front, here is one who can live the majesty of His own True Divine Nature.
Love towards Krishna bestows the supreme reward of liberation. It is only the ultimate stages of spiritual evolution that one is capable of living in total surrender to and constant remembrance of the Lord.
Let us pray to Lord Shri Krishna grant us His constant remembrance and to carry us across the frontiers of the finite into the timeless kingdom ruled by the Blue Boy of Vrindavan.
Krishnaya Tubhyam Namaha!