Who is a Yajmaan?

Hinduism places great importance on rituals, ceremonies, and pujas, where devotees seek blessings through offerings. In traditional practice, a “Yajmaan” serves as the patron of a puja or yajna, supporting the priest who conducts the ritual. The word “Yajmaan” comes from the Sanskrit root “Yaj,” meaning worship, and typically refers to the head of a family or community leading the sacrificial ceremony. After the puja, the Yajmaan offers Dakshina (a donation) to the priest, marking the completion of the ceremony.

At Chinmaya Mission, we strive to make these sacred rituals accessible to all. At Chinmaya Mission Portland, a different family is honored as the Yajmaan for each puja. The Yajmaan begins the ceremony with a “Sankalpa,” a firm, positive resolution or prayer offered to the Lord. They bring offerings such as flowers, fruits, and naivedyam (food offerings), and conclude by making a tax-deductible donation to the mission at the feet of Madhur Krishna, as an expression of gratitude. In return, the Yajmaan receives blessings and Puja Prasad from the priest, deepening their connection to the divine and inviting wisdom and positive energy.

Rest assured—our Festival team works closely with the Yajmaan every step of the way to ensure the experience is meaningful and enjoyable for all.